The spirit is being renewed daily.

A Call To The Remnant

The older I get, I am now in my 50s, the more I appreciate everything that is around me. I love the little birds that come and feed from the feeder. All day long, back and forward, scattering and finding their favorite part of the feed. I watch the pieces cascade down in the sunlight. I love my neighbor’s cat Poppy, who saunters across the cul-de-sac, off to who knows where, him and his missing tail. He had it removed many years ago after wearing a lamp shade for six months which failed to stop him chewing on his tail, but it never slowed him down. I love the flowers and I carefully tend them. I look for rose-buds and I anticipate their coming beauty. I water the grass on hot summer days because the lawn seems to be calling out. I watch the tall trees blowing back and forward…

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What Are We Living For?

What is Earth; this place we were born onto? Why are we here? What is the purpose of this life? We are born, grow up, get a job, have a family and then finally we die. What could it all mean? Is that all we are meant to have? Live and then eventually die? Where do we go, or what happens after we die?

A lot is being hidden from us, right from the very moment we are born, the educational system and society start to teach us all the wrong things. Our lives have a much higher purpose than making some few dollars and making a family. There is a Creator. The One who created the earth on which we live, we were purposely created, for a very specific reason.

There is so much going on beyond what meets the eye, a spiritual struggle for our very souls, a battle between good and evil. Our lives on this earth is more to fulfil a spiritual purpose than a physical one. But I guess that’s what the devil tries to hide from us, so we are bombarded everyday by the things of this physical world; bills to settle, illnesses, people are even worried sick about their social media status…how many followers they have and what not. Sad. Loving temporal things is only a distraction from understanding what life is really about. Because as soon as we begin to understand the meaning of life, a lot of things become clearer to us and we won’t want to live our lives anyhow. So the devil being as cunning as he is, would do everything in his power to distract and blind us from the truth.

Let us set our eyes on the higher spiritual things, everything else we see around us is vain and would pass away. And all that we do on this earth, we would account for. The Creator, Jehovah, would judge us one day for the kind of life we lived here on earth. When we live in Him and He in us, He gives us the calmness and peace of heart to live through the chaos surrounding us. He sets our souls at peace.

When it’s all said and done, it comes down to one single thing:

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. – Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV

The great tragedy of the Sunday morning service!

A Call To The Remnant

The most important crisis facing the Body of Christ is the Sunday morning service. It really helps to know a little bit about the history of the early church and what it looked like. For the most part it would be in houses or for special occasions if there was more than one house gathering in a town or city, they would come together in an open field, especially if someone like Paul was coming. The gathering was just that, and there was a meal. Breaking bread meant just that, it did not mean a communion wafer and a ritualized affair. People were actually together, hanging out, singing hymns, sharing, giving testimony, asking for prayer. This thing called “the church service,” is something that morphed out of that. Bottom line, it really was not that complicated, the most important aspect of the gathering was that the Holy Spirit was there…

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The sign gifts have fallen into disuse.

A Call To The Remnant

It is well for us to consider here that religious people are prone to select a favorite Bible doctrine or truth and to hold to that one truth at the expense of other basic tenets. We may overemphasize important truths so as to obscure other important truth which may actually disappear as a result. This is what I mean by a truth disappearing-it falls into disuse and therefore is easily forgotten. I would illustrate this.

Suppose there is one key on the piano that is not properly attached and it gives forth no sound when it is struck. The pianist is sure to be wincing when he strikes that key and nothing happens. If you would photograph the keyboard, that key would be in its proper place in the picture, but it will not produce any sound no matter how hard you touch it. That is an illustration of what…

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We shall not go quietly

A Call To The Remnant

After 40 years in the wilderness Moses is ready. When he took off his shoes at the burning bush, Moses is removing the world from him and acknowledging a holy God. God was working and the backdrop to that working is banishment, wilderness dwelling and slavery. God refines His people in the fire. The fire is the reaction of the world to a redeemed and holy people. Do you remember why the Hebrew children were forced into the fire? They refused to bow down to the gods of this world. They defied the powers that be and were willing to die rather than bow the knee to the gods of this world. This is a spiritual principle played out down through the corridors of time.

Christ is coming back in all His glory in the sky. There is great movement in the heavenlies and the principalities and powers know that…

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You cannot run forward while you’re looking back

A Call To The Remnant

God has made many promises to His people yet much of Christendom has failed to possess the promises of Christ which are yes and amen. The failure is our part for God is faithful to those who are diligent in His pursuit. We want to partake of the glories but we do not want to partake in the humiliations. We want abundant life in Christ but we are not willing to take up our cross and die. We desire the feast but we have no stomach for the fasting.

The Lord inhabits the praises of His people. We praise God with our lives, we praise God with our desire to follow Him. We praise God when we can glorify Him even when we are hungry, when we are naked, when we walk through the valley’s and walk through the fires and the floods. God is looking for a people to…

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What is true Christianity and why do we need the refiners fire?

A Call To The Remnant

In essence the question becomes, and has been a question asked down through the centuries, what is real Christianity? What is the Gospel? Who are the saints? William Wilberforce was famous for his friendship with John Newton who wrote Amazing Grace and of course for being responsible for slavery being banned in the British empire. He and Newton and others like them were despised by most of the “Sunday go to church,” crowd. They referred to Newton and Wilberforce and others as “enthusiasts.”

It was not a term of endearment, it was a hateful term. What Wilberforce is less famous for is the book he wrote entitled “Real Christianity.” I guarantee you that if Wilberforce were alive today and wrote that book today he would not be invited to speak at most of our modern-day western churches. He speaks against self-serving and culturally relevant churches, in the language of the…

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